CFAES Give Today
Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


2017 Participants

The complete abstracts are available at this link:


Animal Sciences - Animal Health
Mitchell Garrett Efffect of Hay Net Design on Time Spent Foraging by Horses Kim Cole
Shannon Kelley The Physical and Behavioral Effect of Environmental Enrichment on Fast-Growing Broiler Activity Monique Pairis-Garcia
Sheyan McGrath Immunoglobulin Concentrations in Pre-Foaling Mammary Secretions Kim Cole
Alexandra Russell Diversity of Influenza A Virus Among Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and Northern Shovelers (Anas clypeata) along the Mississippi Flyway Andrew Bowman
Ellen Schwieterman Influence of Stall Mats on Behavior in Quarter Horse Mares Kim Cole
Kendal Searer In Vitro Assays for Clostridium perfringens Enzyme Neutralizations Lisa Bielke


Animal Sciences - Nutrition
Amanda Backus

Effect of Dietary Yeast Supplementation on thte Diversity of Hindgut Microbial Populations of Two-Year Old Quarter Horse Mares

Kim Cole
John Bouranis Bioaccessiblity of a-Tocopherol Regardless of Form is Decreased Dose-Dependently and Only Fat-Dependent for a-Tocopherol Acetate Richard Bruno
Hanna Edvardsson Adropin, Non-Esterified Fatty Acids, Glucose, and Insulin Concentration in Dairy Cows at Different Physiological Stages Alejandro Relling
Lydia Flores Use of 15N Enrichment in Manure to Estimate Nitrogen Losses Through Ammonia Volatilization in Dairy Manure Storage Chanhee Lee
Vianca Hernandez Effects of Methane Inhibition on Production of Fatty Acids in Continuous Culture Fermenters Jeff Firkins
Marisa Joldrichsen Variation in Milk Urea Nitrogen Maurice Eastridge
Jiwon Kim Identification, Cloning, and Expression of a Muscle Specific Gene, TMEM182 Kichoon Lee
Madison Montgomery Exploring the Impact of Elevated Muscle Temperature on Postmortem pH Decline During the Conversion of Muscle to Meat in Pigs Eric England
Waiza Nabeel Digestibility in Recovering Asian Elephant's Diet Kelly George
Victoria Polentz The Effect of Diet and Age on Breast Muscle Characteristics in Commercial Broilers Michael Cressman
Marina Sweet Effects of Fermenten on Holstein Dairy Calf Growth Rate from Birth to Weaning Maurice Eastridge
Makenzie Thorpe Dietary Inventions Alter Intestinal Phospholipid Composition and Time-Dependently Change Fecal Microbiome in Suckling Piglets Sheila Jacobi


Environmental and Plant Sciences
Amy Albers Comparison of the Microbiological Quality of Fresh Produce from Seasonal Farmer's Markets and Retail Grocery Stores in Ohio Thomas Wittum
Ashlee Balcerzak Use of Magnetic Bacteria to Remove Phosphorus from Eutrophic Waters Steven Lower
Elizabeth Bertolini The Effect of Lake Erie Algal Blooms on Emerald Shiners (Notropis atherinoides) Suzanne Gray
John Brett Determining Trait Adaptations of Chile Pepper Landraces Under Drought Conditions  Vivan Bernau, Kristin Mercer
Kira Edic Breeding Success in Relation to Nestling Physiological Stress in Prothonotary Warblers at Hoover Reservoir in Delaware County, Ohio Christopher Tonra
Benjamin Eggers Evaluation of Processing Time and Methodology on Nematode Counts from Corn Fields in Ohio Terry Niblack
Adam Kaddoura Effects of UV-B and Elevation on Flavonoid Production in Juvenile Landrace Maize Leaf Tissue Kristin Mercer
Jonathan Kubesch Investigating the Potential for Use of the Endangered Species, Running Buffalo Clover (Trifolium stoloniferum) on Reclaimed Mine-Land     David Barker
Bethany Kyre Metabolic Responses of Austrian Pine to an Opportunistic Pathogen Under Drought Stress Pierluigi Bonello
Scott Meyer Giving up Density as a Model to Identify a Difference in Foraging Behavior between Native and Invasive Crayfish Species Lauren Pintor
Margaret Moodispaw An Alternative, Low Cost Seed Sanitation Treatment for Managing Seedborne Bacterial Diseases of Vegetables Sally Miller
Matthew Osterholt Effects of Foliar Fungicide on Corn Under Vegetative Drought Stress Alexander Lindsey
Ashley Ritchie Managing Corn in Narrow Row Spacing-Does Intensive Management Make Sense? Alexander Lindsey
Hailey Tiarks The Influence of Turbidity on the Development of Eye and Brain Morphology in an African Cichlid Suzanne Gray
Andrew Wilk Effects of Habitat Patch Size on the Abundance of Red-Backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) William Peterman


Food Science
Megan Hoehn Effect of Location,Type, and Number of Anthocyanin Sugar Substituions on Formation of the more stable Pyranoanthocyanin from Cyanidin Monica Giusti
Anisha Prabhu Post-Mortem Titin Proteolysis in Senepol Cattle Eric England
Anna Schmenk Non-targeted Screening for GMO High Oleic Soybeans and Non-GMO Conventional Soybeans by Vibrational Spectroscopy Luis Rodriguez-Saona
Katie Uhl Variables Impacting Plasma Carotenoid Stability during High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Analysis Jessica Cooperstone


Social Sciences
Shelby Balint Perceptions of Preservice Teachers Preparedness to Teach Science of Agriculture Susie Whittington
Craig Berning Consumer Perceptions of GMOs and Labeling Brian Roe
Megan Besancon A Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Hashtags on Twitter Emily Buck
Donald Gase Jr. Preservice Teachers' Perception of Teaching Science of Agriculture Curriculum to a Diverse Audience Susie Whittington
Cody McClain 100th Anniversary of the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership Susie Whittington
Mara Momenee Understanding the Potential of Home Gardening to Increase Food Access and Enhance Community Development in Urban Neighborhoods Jeremy Brooks
Frances Nicol Pre-Service Teacher Preparation to Teach Record Keeping Techniques

Susie Whittington