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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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note 51.5

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  1. Flood information available from OSU Ag Safety and Health website

    information-   ...

  2. How to Identify Late Season Soybean Diseases in 2020

    patches.  For Northern, there is a canker at the third node which girdles the plant.  For Southern, there ...

  3. Winter Wheat Concerns

    is a critical stage.  It is defined as: first node visible. On reproductive tillers a visible knot, ... bump, or swollen tissue called the node is noticeable above the soil surface. The growing point, which ... includes the developing head or spike on reproductive tillers is above this node.  Once the growing point ...

  4. Frogeye Leaf Spot- Is It Worth Spraying in 2019?

    R5, the leaf at the terminal is fully developed and the pods at any one of the top four nodes is fully ... that are in the R3 growth stage, pods are tiny, 3/16 of an inch at one of the four uppermost nodes of ...

  5. Wind Damage in Corn- “Green Snap” and Root Lodging

    limited green snap damage from wind storms last week).  Breaks in the stalk usually occur at nodes (along ... tissues at the nodes. Although we encounter green snap problems periodically in Ohio, it's usually ... intact, they will shade the broken-off plants and reduce ear size. When plants break at the node below the ...

  6. Double Crop Soybean Recommendations

    vegetatively as long as possible to produce nodes where pods can form before vegetative growth is slowed due to ...

  7. 2014 Soybean Seed Treatment and Foliar Trials Available Online  Last year we also evaluated five foliar products at two locations in Ohio.  Foliar products ... Trial can be found here: Soybean ...

  8. Recommendations for Late Planted Soybeans

    as possible to produce nodes where pods can form before vegetative growth is slowed due to flowering ...

  9. Recommendations for Late Planted Soybeans

    possible to produce nodes where pods can form before vegetative growth is slowed due to flowering and pod ...

  10. Managing Colostrum and Waste Milk on Farms with Johne's Disease

    lymph nodes, milk, and serum taken at slaughter from 86 cows not showing clinical signs of Johne's ... disease. The samples were tested by culture (feces, lymph nodes, and milk) and complement fixation, ELISA, ... shedders of MAP were more likely to have culture positive milk and lymph nodes than intermediate or light ...
