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Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Environment and Natural Resources





Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability in the Caribbean Dominican Republic May 2014  
Environment and Natural Resources Iceland August 2015 This program was created to help students explore climate change and see its effects in the delicate Icelandic environment.
Research China May 2014 Travel to southern China to perform research with Dr. Roger Williams.
Sustaining Human Societies and the Environment Australia May 2014 This exciting program allows students to explore relationships between people and their natural environment through sustainable development. Learn more about the program through our host. Click here to watch a YouTube video from the 2011 program!
Fiji Students traveling on the Australia ENR program in 2014 will have first priority, followed by past Australia ENR participants, with open spaces being available to any student
New Zealand  This exciting program allows students to explore relationships between people and their natural environment through sustainable development. Learn more about the program through our host. Click here to watch a YouTube video from the 2011 program!