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Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


South America





Brazil AZP Members Spring 2014 Travel with Jill Pfister and Alpha Zeta Partners to Brazil for six weeks during winter quarter. Click here to view a video from the 2011 trip, or here to read the 2012 blog.
Chile Agroecosystems December 2013 This program explores agricultural production in various climates, production importation and Chile history and culture.
Human and Animal Interactions December 2014

(Could be in another Latin American Country, university clearance pending, the program may be offered in Cuba)

This program shows students how people use animals every day.

Costa Rica Service Learning Spring Break 2014 Travel to Costa Rica for 9 days with Paul Heimberger. Click here to view a video from the 2010 trip.
Ecuador Freshmen (First Semester Only) December 2013 Study sustainable agricultural practices in Ecuador for 11 days. Click here to watch a video from the 2011 trip!
Honduras Community Development May 2014 Education, community gardening, development.