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Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Scheduling Resources

Course Catalog (under Academics)

  • Course Descriptions
  • Prerequisites 
  • Restrictions

Schedule of Classes (under Academics)

  • Lists course offerings for the specific term and open seats in each section
  • Dates and deadlines
  • Information on using the web registration system, waitlisting, clearing holds
  • Plan a tentative schedule. Since registration is in real time, you will know immediately whether or not you are enrolled in a class. Be prepared with backup times for the classes you would like to take, in case the section you want is filled. You should also have alternate course choices ready in case the course is completely filled.

Degree Audits and Advising Reports (unofficial transcripts) (under Enrollment and Academic History)

To plan for future terms, contact your major department for a listing of possible future course offerings.