Devin w. Headrick
School of Environment and Natural Resources
Environmental Science - Ecosystem Restoration
North Ridgeville, OH
As a first-year student, Devin served as a Waste Characterization Sorter during a one-week survey. He biked to the Facilities Operations and Development building at 6 a.m. to sort through campus recyclables. He said, “This was an interesting and humbling opportunity to explore a new area of the environmental world.”
Devin served Ohio State as a resident advisor in Nosker House. He learned event planning skills, community development, and conflict resolution. These skills were helpful when he became president of the Sierra Club and organized an Earth Day festival. He worked with other student organizations and leaders to create an event with three guest speakers, five bands, and 50+ organizations, including student groups, local businesses and non-profits. He said, “Standing in the amphitheater by Mirror Lake while the bands played, seeing my dream event take shape, was one of my proudest moments at OSU.”
He appreciates mentor Dr. Bart Elmore, who taught one of his favorite classes and served as the faculty advisor for the Sierra Club. Devin credits Dr. Elmore’s advice with the success of the Earth Day celebration. Devin said Dr. Elmore “made me feel welcome, encouraged curiosity, and showed me that everyone has the power to evoke the change they want, so long as they have the passion and grit to pursue it.”
Devin completed an internship with Marathon Petroleum Pipeline, LLC in Findlay, Ohio in their Sustainable Landscapes Program. As part of his internship, he conducted over 100 field assessments, observing and tracking how plant communities vary in different landscapes. He spoke with landowners and learned to identify species “the old-fashioned way; by getting out there and seeing them!” Devin gained experience indoors as well, from professional networking to attending his first conference in Baltimore. He also worked with the American Petroleum Institute (API), in Washington D.C., learning how companies lobby Congress.
He has continued working for Marathon as an independent vegetation assessment contractor, which has helped him learn about the subcontractor process.
On campus, Devin worked as a research assistant with Dr. Stephen Matthews and graduate student Rosemary Koontz conducting research on Elm tree phenology to help combat Dutch Elm Disease and better understand the effects of climate change. He collected data and interacted with the public at field sites across Central Ohio.
As a member of the Society for Ecological Restoration, Devin facilitated informational, biweekly meetings and research outings, such as seedling surveys and invasive species removals.
Devin plans to enter the workforce and pursue a career in ecosystem restoration.
Service, involvement, and accolades: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod University Bible Study, president, treasurer | Barrett Nosker Jones Community Council | Dean’s List
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