CFAES Give Today
Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


2016 Award Winners

2016 CFAES Recognition Program Award Winners





Banquet Dedication 

Dr. Henry Zerby 

Professor and Chair, Department of Animal Sciences 


Jill A. Pfister Outstanding First Year Student 

Monica Pennewitt 


Plant Pathology 

Wilmington, Ohio 

Nominated by Plant Health and Resource Management (PHARM) 

Jill A. Pfister Outstanding First Year Student 

Hannah Meller 

Animal Sciences 

Wauseon, Ohio 

Nominated by Buckeye Dairy Club  

Ray A. Miller Council Scholarship 

Taylor Kruse 

Animal Sciences 

Wauseon, Ohio 

Ray A. Miller Council Scholarship 

Miranda Miser 

Agribusiness and Applied Economics/Agricultural Communication 

Cumberland, Ohio 

Lee Johnston Leadership Award 

Emma Brown 

Environmental Science  


Lee Johnston Leadership Award 

Nick Doarn 

Environmental Science 


Lee Johnston Leadership Award 

Taylor Windatt 

Natural Resource Management 


Lee Johnston Leadership Award 

Ella Weaver 

Environmental Science 


Academic Mentor Award  

Dr. James Metzger 

Department of Horticulture and Crop Science 

Nominated by Anneliese Abbott 

Rodney F. Plimpton Outstanding Teacher Award 

Dr. Jiyoung Lee 

Department of Food Science and Technology 

Nominated by Sheryl Barringer 

New Activity Award 

Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow 



Gamma Sigma Delta Scholarships 

Gabrielle Ruble 

Animal Sciences - Biosciences 


Outstanding Student Employee 

Amand Folck 

Sustainable Plant Systems – Turfgrass Science 

Nominated by Pam Sherratt in HCS. 

Outstanding Student Employee 

Morgan Wirick 

Floral Design and Marketing Technology and Livestock Science  

Nominated by Terry Lanker and Kathy Yoder - ATI 

CFAES Internship Award 


Animal Sciences 


CFAES Internship Award 

Brooke Rieke Schanowski 

Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership 

Winfield, Illinois 

CFAES Internship Award 

Gary Klopfenstein 

Horticulture and Crop Science 

Haviland, Ohio 

CFAES Internship Award 

Derrick Freshcorn 

Plant Pathology 

Kenton, OH 

CFAES Internship Award 

Aaron Siebeneck 

Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering 

Kalida, Ohio 

CFAES Internship Award 

Natalie Roemer 

Environment and Natural Resources 


CFAES Internship Award 

Eric Hanes 


Bloomville, Ohio 

CFAES Internship Award 

Derek Rieman 

Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics 

Ottawa, Ohio 

Outstanding Service to Students 

Gina Hnytka 

Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics 

Nominated by:  SUSTAINS Learning Community 

Outstanding Service to Students 

Morgan Dailey 

CFAES Office of Academic Programs 

Nominated by:  CFAES Banquet Steering Committee 

Meritorious Service to Students 

Daniel Wampler 

Synergy Foods 

Nominated by Sheryl Barringer, Department of Food Science and Technology 

Meritorious Service to Students 

David Noble 

Noble Foundation 

D Elder and Linda Houston, Agricultural Technical Institute 

Ed Johnson Outstanding Student Organization 

Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow 


Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership