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Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Meegan S. Gould

Meegan Gould Meegan Gould

Department of Food Science and Technology 
Food Science and Technology 
Cincinnati, OH 

2022 Distinguished Senior Award Recognition Reception Program (.pdf) 

2022 Distinguished Senior Award Recipient Reception Poster (.pdf) 

Meegan Gould has already accumulated a good deal of experience in the professional world of food science. As an intern at Wornick Foods in Cincinnati, she developed a new product from start to finish, formulating a successful match to the leading national brand of pudding; her product was even able to be converted to a high-protein product for use by the U.S. military and is currently being served to active-duty personnel. This experience served to reinforce her dream of becoming a food scientist, and numbers among her most rewarding experiences as an undergraduate.

While serving as a Product Development Intern at Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) in Erlanger, Kentucky last summer, Meegan gained a great deal of knowledge regarding the formulation and stability of energy drinks. Her work consisted of balancing formulations between flavor, acidity, and sweetness, as well as examining how those changes in formulation impact the stability of products. She participated in teams specializing in a wide array of products, from protein beverages to sports supplements and bakery products. Her principal project for the summer was even utilized by ADM’s head of global beverage to implement and unify a stability process on a worldwide scale.

Beyond her internships, Meegan found time to engage in undergraduate research at the Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomic and Evolutionary Science (SEA-PHAGES) Laboratory, where she collected phages in order to extract and amplify DNA. The lab’s findings are utilized by researchers to expand their knowledge of novel phages, making possible the development of bacterial infection therapies to combat superbugs—work with the potential to impact the future of medicine.

Meegan’s most valuable undergraduate learning experience was her participation in the Institute of Food Technologists’ Smart Snacks for Kids Product Development Competition. During the competition, she was able to apply coursework in an industry setting through market analysis, proposal writing, and more. Her team’s product, Little Dippers, is an allergen-free chocolate dip made from beans, monk fruit, and cocoa. Though optimizing the formulation and process proved challenging, the entire team was proud of the finished product.

Meegan would like to acknowledge Julie Townsend as her undergraduate mentor. She shared, “I met Julie during my first visit to Ohio State as a student. During this visit she shared with me about the department and how excited they were to have me as a student. From then on, I recognized Julie as a friendly face, and I knew she cared about my academic and personal success. Throughout the years I have been able to work with her on projects for the department mentor/mentee program. She often offers life advice for now and in the future; she is more than willing to help me when I’m in need and only wishes me success and support in anything I want to accomplish.”

Upon graduation, Meegan plans to use her degree to pursue a career in product development.

Service, involvement, and accolades: Food Science Club | OSU Club Swim Team | Food Science and Technology Peer Mentor | Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, chair of dining

Meegan Gould - Press Release