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Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Autumn 2021 Mid-West Campus CFAES Instructional, Meeting, and General Assignment Spaces

Columbus Mid-West Campus CFAES Instructional and General Assignment Spaces

The below information includes the CFAES controlled, unit controlled, and university controlled (i.e. pool) classrooms and computer labs with their room capacities reflected specifically for Autumn 2021. Subject to change.

Assignment Types & Terms:

CFAES (in gray on the table) - these spaces are managed by the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

General Assignment (in light red on the table) - these spaces are managed by the University. Note: Food or drink is prohibited in General Assignment Spaces in the interest of maintaining a comfortable learning environment. This rule also applies to events scheduled into these spaces. 

Unit Controlled Space - these are spaces controlled by one of the College's units, i.e. ANIMSCI, SENR, ACEL, etc. Requests to use these spaces for a course must be submitted directly to the unit. The units approve or deny space requests at their discretion.





Unit Controlled Space

Agricultural Administration

AA0005 CFAES Computer Lab 40  
AA0108* General Assignment Classroom 56  
AA0210 ACEL Computer Lab 30 Yes
AA0211 ACEL Classroom 36 Yes
AA0246* General Assignment Classroom 49  
AA0247* General Assignment Classroom 30  

Agricultural Engineering Building

AE0100* General Assignement Classroom 94  
AE0103* General Assignment Classroom 50  
AE0104* General Assignment Classroom 70  
AE0142 FABE Classroom 44 Yes
AE0148 FABE Computer Lab 35 Yes
AE0164 FABE Laboratory 40 Yes
AE0166 FABE Laboratory 40 Yes

Animal Science Building

AS0111N ANIMSCI 1/2 of Arena 100 Yes
AS0111S ANIMSCI 1/2 of Arena 100 Yes
AS0202* General Assignment Classroom 49  
AS0210* General Assignment Classroom 50  

Parker Food Science and Technology

FS0114 FDSCTE Classroom 48 Yes
FS0118 FDSCTE Classroom 75 Yes

Howlett Hall

HT0116 HCS Classroom 50 Yes
HT0164 CFAES Classroom 95  

Kottman Hall

KH0102* General Assignment Classroom 48  
KH0103* General Assignment Lecture Hall 204  
KH0104* General Assignment Classroom 71  
KH0112 HCS Computer Lab 20 Yes
KH0114 SENR Computer Lab 30 Yes
KH0116* General Assignement Classroom 30  
KH0231A SENR Computer Lab 23 Yes
KH0244 CFAES Classroom 40 Yes
KH0245 SENR Classroom 35 Yes
KH0333 SENR Classroom 42 Yes
KH0333C   Classroom 22 Yes
KH0334 HCS Classroom 48 Yes
KH0370 SENR Classroom 40 Yes
KH0460 SENR Classroom 30 Yes

Plumb Hall

PL0220 ANIMSCI Classroom 80 Yes

*University Registrar's Scheduling Office policy states: In the interest of maintaining a comfortable learning environment, bringing food or drink into general assignment classroom spaces, as well as removing furniture from them, is prohibited. This stipulation also applies to events and activities scheduled into these spaces.