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Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Jason Hollick

Jason Hollick Jason Hollick 

Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
Sustainable Plant Systems - Agroecology
Dublin, OH

2021 Distinguished Senior Award Celebration Program (.pdf)

2021 Distinguished Senior Award Recipient Poster (.pdf)

Jason Hollick’s most valuable learning experience during his undergraduate program has been his time working in the Kubota Controlled Environment Plant Physiology and Technology Lab. As part of his undergraduate research, he was able to design and run his very own experiment looking at the effects of grafting two basil cultivars on plant growth. This was an incredible experience that taught Jason a great deal about experimental design and deepened his resolve to pursue a career in agricultural research.

Jason’s experiences working at Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory have been the most enjoyable and rewarding of his undergraduate career. During his time at Waterman, he has been able to work alongside incredible coworkers and researchers on an extremely wide range of projects, whether focused on genetics, dietetics, agronomy, ecology, or entomology. In the role of “student assistant,” Jason was involved in a large array of tasks and projects, such as tillage/field preparation (including laying plastic), marking out plots, spreading fertilizer, planting sweet corn and pumpkins, starting and transplanting vegetable crops, trellising tomatoes, and mowing. He also helped researchers harvest and analyze their plots, performed orchard maintenance, constructed endangered fish rearing ponds, assisted with fish surveys, completed equipment maintenance, gave tours of the facility, and carried out many other duties. As someone who didn’t grow up on a farm, Jason is incredibly proud of all of the knowledge and skills he acquired in his years of working hands-on at Waterman. He can now confidently run tillage equipment and planters, lay out research plots, maintain orchards, and implement a myriad of other useful skills in both his life and in his future career as an agricultural scientist.

Jason wished to acknowledge two mentors that have deeply impacted him and his time at Ohio State. Jason stated, “Glenn Mills has been an incredible mentor during all four years of my undergraduate career; working under his guidance at Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resource Laboratory, I have been able to gain practical skills and knowledge that I would not have been exposed to through my classes. Glenn has always pushed me to try new things and take on additional responsibilities, whether at Waterman or elsewhere on campus. I consider Glenn to be a good friend and someone I can always go to for honest opinions and advice. Without his guidance, I wouldn’t know a fraction of what I know today about agriculture. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Chieri Kubota as an equally important mentor. Though I have not known her for as long as Glenn, she profoundly changed my planned career path and introduced me to the world of scientific research. Being able to conduct my very own research project in her lab has taught me a great deal, and convinced me to apply for graduate school.”

After graduation, Jason plans to pursue a PhD program here at The Ohio State University, working in the Kubota Controlled Environment Plant Physiology and Technology Lab.

Service, involvement, and accolades: Environment and Natural Resources Scholars, Leadership Council, Mentor Council | Poultry Science Club | Horticultural Honorary Pi Alpha Xi, vice president

Jason Hollick - Press Release