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Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Emilia G. Sgambati

Emilia Sgambati Head Shot Emilia G. Sgambati 

Farmington Hills, MI
Animal Sciences - Animal Biosciences
Department of Animal Sciences


2020 Distinguished Senior Award Celebration Program (.pdf)

2020 Distinguished Senior Award Recipient Showcase Poster (.pdf)

Emilia Sgambati recognizes that her most valuable learning experience during her college career was honing her time management skills, especially learning to allocate valuable time to rest and recharge.

Remarking upon her most enjoyable undergraduate experience, Emilia shared that she appreciated her internship during the spring semester of her sophomore year with The Ohio State University Equine Center as a reproductive intern. Before then, she had almost no exposure to horses.

Her internship with Ohio State’s Equine Center allowed her to work closely with pregnant and open mares, breeding stallions, yearlings, and newborn foals. She was able to ultrasound open mares to determine best time to breed, and the statuses of mares after breeding or their fetuses. She was involved in every aspect of breeding and reproduction with the horses at the Center.

Emilia recognizes her honors research project as her greatest accomplishment. Her time working on the project under the guidance of Dr. Maurice Eastridge taught her quite a bit about the research process and having patience with her work.

Emilia’s honors research project focused on Jersey calf nutrition. She studied alternating starch and fat percentages in calf starters to improve their growth rates over two years. In addition to her own research, she assisted multiple graduate students in a theriogenology laboratory with their projects, which ranged from reproducing mares to reproducing fish.

She has held several jobs alongside her academic career. She has been an office assistant at her residence hall, a summer camp counselor at Bowers Farm School, a student milker at the Waterman Dairy Farm, a student worker at the Equine Center, and a receptionist at the Banfield Forest Park Veterinary Clinic. Emilia recently celebrated her two-year anniversary at the clinic, a position she credits with her increased confidence and competence in the veterinary profession, and comfort interfacing with other people as a professional.

In addition to her studies, work, and research, Emilia volunteered her free time for Towers Agricultural Honorary, Experience Ohio State for a Day, Pre-Veterinary Medical Association, Animal Sciences Community Alliance, the Department of Animal Sciences, and Back 2 School Bash.

Emilia has received these honors and scholarships as she has pursued her education at Ohio State: Brakel Dairy Scholarship | Dean’s List | Kottman Scholars Program Scholarship | Maximus and National Buckeye Scholarship | McMunn Scholarship | Ohio AgriBusiness Association Dairy Science Scholarship | Salisbury Scholarship | Sultzbach Memorial Scholarship | Undergraduate Research Scholarship.

Following graduation, Emilia plans to pursue a doctoral degree in veterinary medicine with a desire to work in large animal medicine focusing on dairy cattle.

Emilia would like to honor Dr. Maurice Eastridge as her mentor. Not only did Dr. Eastridge guide her through his own research project, but he became her honors research project advisor. She wants to acknowledge and thank him for the significant contributions he has made to her education and success.

Emilia Sgambati - Press Release