CFAES Give Today
Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


The Diverse Profiles of Today's Learners: How Can We Support Our Changing Student Populations

Conference Theater

Gain insight into the students in our classrooms, whether they are online or in-person, campus change or transfer students, working full-time, returning to school, caring for families, or military veterans. What are the opportunities? What are the challenges? This moderated panel discussion will provide an engaging conversation about serving the changing needs of our students.

Ben Carignan
Mr. Ben Carignan

College Academic Counselor
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
The Ohio State University

Ben has been involved in multiple aspects of student support across the university. He works closely with campus change students transitioning to Columbus from Ohio State ATI and regional campuses. A U.S. Air Force veteran, Ben has also developed programming to support the growing numbers of military students in CFAES. His insight and knowledge of the CFAES student population has been invaluable.

Monica Lewandowski
Dr. Monica Lewandowski

Assistant Professor, Clinical Professional Practice
Department Plant Pathology
The Ohio State University

Monica has taught courses and supported academic programs in the Department of Plant Pathology for 12 years, where she has developed insight into the needs of diverse student populations. She is actively involved in the American Phytopathological Society’s (APS) Office of Public Relations and Outreach, and is the incoming Director of the society’s Office of Education.

A representative of the Office of Distance Education and eLearning will provide insight into the growing number of online and non-traditional students and the support services that Ohio State provides. This is particularly relevant as the number of students taking online courses continues to grow.