Did you know that CFAES has one of the highest percentages of first-generation college students in the university? Participants in this session will learn about the unique learning and engagement needs of first-generation college students. Participants will gain insight on best practices for teaching, advising, and mentoring first-generation students to help enhance their success in higher education.
Mr. Aaron J. Giorgi
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership
The Ohio State University
Aaron is a PhD Candidate in the ACEL department researching first-generation students in colleges of agriculture. At Ohio State he works with ACEL faculty in secondary agriscience teacher education and licensure. Aaron comes to Ohio State from Florida where he engaged with Title 1 schools as a teacher, administrative support staff member, and academic coach.
Dr. M. Susie Whittington
Director, Second-year Transformational Experience Program
Office of Academic Programs
The Ohio State University
Susie directs the STEP Program at Ohio State. For more than 30 years, she directed the research project “Improving the Cognitive Capacity of Students by Fully Engaging Professors in the Teaching and Learning Process”. Her teaching has been awarded the USDA National Teaching Excellence Award. She served on the Provost’s Task Force that wrote the proposal for Ohio State’s Institute for Teaching and Learning. She is a first-generation college student with three degrees from Ohio State.