Rachel Adams
Academic Unit: Department of Animal Sciences
Major: Animal Sciences
Hometown: Morgantown, WV
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Honors undergraduate research focus on antimicrobial resistant bacteria within Veterinary Preventive Medicine; President of Animal Science Community Alliance; Dept. of Animal Science teaching assistant for applied bioscience laboratory course; Hunt Seat Equestrian Team; Duzan Riding Academy Equine Management Intern; Honors Collegium; SeaWorld Veterinary Extern
What are your career goals?
I hope my future lies somewhere in the niche intersection of equine veterinary practice and research on the epidemiologic patterns of antimicrobial resistance in horses. However, I am open to many of the paths that stem from veterinary medicine, such as marine mammal medicine or public health.
Lydia Bednarski
Academic Unit: School of Environment and Natural Resources
Major: Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability
Hometown: Rocky River, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
School of Environment & Natural Resources Student Administrative Assistant; Big Ten Network Student Production Intern; Net Impact member; published author through a research paper on Sumatran tigers and Indonesian deforestation; intern experience at Trust for Public Land, LAND studio, and Green Columbus
What is your favorite OSU memory?
My favorite OSU memory was my final home football game; watching a double-overtime victory over Michigan with my best friends and storming the field was something I’ll never forget. Also, anything that I’ve ever done with my roommates- they’re the reason Ohio State was the best time of my life.
Craig Berning
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Major: Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Hometown: Anna, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
CFAES Ambassador; CFAES Student Council President; Undergraduate Research; Undergraduate Student Government; Internships with Agricultural Retailers Association (2015), Grocery Manufacturers Association (2016), Ohio Agribusiness Association (16/17), Office of Senator Rob Portman (2017); FarmHouse Fraternity
What is your advice to underclassmen?
Get involved outside of your comfort zone and meet people whom you would otherwise not meet. The university provides a rare opportunity to surround yourself with incredibly diverse individuals who will provide friendships that challenge you to grow into a better person.
Megan Besancon
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership
Major: Agricultural Communication
Hometown: Sterling, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Studied abroad in England and Scotland; interned with COBA/Select Sires; participated in Bible study at the St. Thomas More Newman Center; served as President of ACT; Honors Peer Mentor; completing my honors project
What is your favorite OSU memory?
As impossible as it is to decide, one of my favorite OSU memories was watching the Buckeyes win against Indiana and afterwards seeing my best friend Leah get engaged to her high school sweetheart on the 11th floor reading room in Thompson Library. It was the perfect example of BuckeyeLove!
Hallie Davidson
Academic Unit: Department of Food Science and Technology
Major: Food Science and Technology
Hometown: Solon, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Food Science Mentor; RecSports Group Fitness Instructor; Meshuganotes A Capella Group Member
What is your favorite OSU memory?
One of my favorite memories is visiting Kroger’s manufacturing plant in my Intro to Food Science class. Not only did I go home with unlimited tortilla chips and donuts, but it was my first exposure to a large manufacturing plant and I grasped the depth of knowledge necessary to become a food scientist.
Vanessa Egbo
Academic Unit: Department of Food Science and Technology
Major: Food Science and Technology
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
College Ambassador; Food Science Club- Secretary; Student Representative- Search Committee for CFAES Dean; Ingredient Science Intern- Dr. Pepper Snapple Group; Product Development Scientist-Blitz Barz; First place- FIC ‘Food Fight’; Quality Control Technician- T. Marzetti Co.; Founder- Food Recovery Network OSU chapter; Food & Menu Chair- Celebration of Students
What are your career goals?
I plan to work as a Product Development Scientist, gain more knowledge and experience, then eventually start a brand/company of my own. I’d also love to start a blog or website to use as a platform for communicating Food Science and creating interest.
Clint Gasser
Academic Unit: Department of Animal Sciences
Major: Animal Sciences
Hometown: Creston, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Animal Science Community Alliance; SPHINX Senior Class Honorary; Buckeye Dairy Club; Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity; Work at OSU Don Scott Swine Center; Ruminant Nutrition research under Dr. Jeff Firkins; Food Animal Club
What are your career goals?
This coming fall semester, I will be attending The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, just another step towards my fourth-grade dream of becoming a food animal veterinarian. What I do specifically with my degree and where I end up doing it are still yet to be determined.
David Glass
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Major: Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Hometown: Chillicothe, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
ATZ FarmHouse International Fraternity; Undergraduate Student Government and University Senate; CFAES Ambassador; Social Media Coordinator for the Office of Prospective Students; Intern for US Sen. Rob Portman. Previously I was involved as an Ambassador at Ohio State ATI and served as the Ohio State ATI CFFA Vice President.
What is your advice to underclassmen?
Never turn down an opportunity to give service or to make an impact. In my experience, the greatest growth I achieved was outside of the classroom, serving in an organization or traveling abroad.
Sierra Jepsen
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Major: Agribusiness and Applied Economics6
Hometown: Amanda, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Co-founded the Ohio Collegiate Cattle Association; created the “Buckeyes 4 Beef” campus event; was “linked” into the 110th class of SPHINX Senior Honorary; a member of the 2016 Ohio State Meat Judging Team; Alpha Zeta Partners Honorary Fraternity; the CFAES Ambassador team; and work in the OSY Meat Lab
What is your advice to underclassmen?
Whatever you want to do, do it now! Want to study abroad? Go. Want to start a club? Start it. Take an internship? Apply. Have close friends? Be a friend. Four (or five) years go really fast. Don’t wait to do the things that excite you the most!
Andrea Kackley
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Major: Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Hometown: Pleasant City, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Undergraduate research assistant for Farm Income Enhancement Program; Honors & Scholars Ambassador and executive member; Alpha Sigma Upsilon; NAMA team; interned with Witten Farm Market and Greenhouse and Ohio Farm Bureau Federation
What was your favorite OSU memory?
My favorite OSU memory is when I met my freshmen year roommate for the first time. The excitement, fear, and awkwardness that was felt captures what coming to college was like. To see how great of friends we became and how much we have grown while being at OSU is great to reflect on.
Summer McCracken
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Major: Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Hometown: Anna, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
CFAES Ambassador; Alpha Zeta Partners Chancellor; ACT Night of Young Professionals Chair; Ohio Soybean Council communication internship; Farm Credit Mid-America financial service internship; FLM+ client services internship; Bucket and Dipper Junior Class Honorary; Buckeye Dairy Club; Celebration of Students Co-Chair
What is your advice to underclassmen?
Smile when people walk by. Make new friends. Laugh with those you love. Take advantage of every opportunity. Being different is a good thing. Get involved. Help and serve others. Be the best version of yourself.
Miranda Miser
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership & Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
Major: Agricultural Communication/Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Hometown: Cumberland, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Alpha Sigma Upsilon President; CFAES Student Council Vice-President; CFAES Ambassador; Celebration of Students Co-Chair; Undergraduate Student Government Senator; Towers Agricultural Honorary; Meadowbrook FA Alumni Secretary; Ohio State Extension Student Worker; Ohio Grape Industries’ Committee Intern
What is your favorite OSU memory?
My favorite OSU memory is the first time my parents circled around the room with me to sing Carmen Ohio at the end of my sorority banquet. I loved seeing their faces in awe of the tradition.
Ashley Rector
Academic Unit: Department of Plant Pathology
Major: Plant Pathology
Hometown: Troy, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Molecular genetics lab research; Office of Diversity and Inclusion tutor: Organic Chemistry and Molecular Genetics; Buck-I-Serv spring break community service trips 2015-2017
What are your career goals?
Attend a research-based medical school followed by serving an underserved population in an urban area. I am also considering being a professor of medicine at some point in my career.
Samuel Reed
Academic Unit: School of Environment and Natural Resources
Major: Environmental Sciences
Hometown: Independence, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Researcher in the Curtis Lab; Director of Sustainability for USG; President of the Sustainability Council; Undergraduate Chair on the President and Provost’s Council on Sustainability
What is your advice to underclassmen?
Don’t be average – Life is too short to be boring, so take risks. Your combination of genes is entirely unique and all of the talents you have should be used to their full potential.
John Rowe
Academic Unit: Department of Animal Sciences
Major: Animal Sciences
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Mucosal Immunology Research in College of Veterinary Medicine; Animal Science Community Alliance; Teaching Assistant for Applied Animal Biosciences Laboratory; Hunt Seat Equestrian Team; Clinical Experience and Research with OSY Small Animal Internal Medicine; Equine Reproduction Extern at Hagyard Equine Medical Institute
What is your advice to underclassmen?
Do the things that challenge you. Between being a teaching assistant, researcher, and traveler, I have put myself into multiple situations that defined my undergraduate education and at the same time both challenged and scared me at times. Take advantage of each moment and enjoy it while you can!
Leah Schwinn
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership
Major: Agricultural Communication
Hometown: New London, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority; Alpha Zeta Partners Honorary Fraternity; Saddle and Sirloin; Sweetheart of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity; Volunteer at Raemelton Therapeutic Equestrian Center; Sales Associate at Cheryl’s Cookies
What are your career goals?
After graduating with my doctorate in occupational therapy, I plan to couple that with my degree in agriculture and work within the ag industry with farmers and other ag professionals who have been in some way injured or medically setback.
Jarred Shellhouse
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership
Major: Agricultural Communication/ Public Affairs
Hometown: Sycamore, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
President of Ohio Staters, Inc.; SPHINX Senior Class Honorary; CFAES Ambassador; teaching assistant for magazine writing course in the School of Communication
What is your favorite OSU memory?
Singing “Carmen Ohio” at Light Up the Lake my sophomore year was the first big experience I had where students gathered and celebrated together without an athletic event happening. It was one of the first times I realized how inclusive and enthusiastic the Buckeye community was about Ohio State traditions.
Mary Siekman
Academic Unit: Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership
Major: Agricultural Communication
Hometown: Delaware, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
CFAES Ambassador; Alpha Zeta Partners Professional Honorary; Six-week education abroad to Brazil; freelance writer and designer
What is your advice to underclassmen?
We are fortunate that Ohio State is located in such a beautiful and diverse city. Whether you’re looking for an internship opportunity, beautiful metroparks or the best coffee shop – there is so much to experience during your time here so hop on a COTA bus and make the most of it.
Carley Snider
Academic Unit: Department of Arts and Science and Business Technologies
Major: Agriscience Education
Hometown: Felicity, OH
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Alpha Zeta Partners; Chimes Junior Class Honorary 97th Class; Edward S. “Beanie” Drake Endowment Board; CFAES Recognition Program Committee; Student Leadership Advocates; Agricultural Education Society; Undergraduate Student Government; Ohio Corn & Wheat Intern
What is your favorite OSU memory?
One of my favorite OSU memories was touring the Orton Bell Tower with my fellow Chimes Honorary classmates and signing the bricks, leaving our mark on Ohio State. I felt so connected to my university and its rich history on that day.
Carolyn Voigt
Academic Unit: School of Environment and Natural Resources
Major: Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
RA for SUSTAINS Learning Community; Inaugural member of SUSTAINS; Net Impact; Paraprofessional Council; study abroad in New Zealand; oyster-reef habitat restoration in Florida; working at the Nature Conservancy
What are your career goals?
I will be applying to the Peace Corps this July as a Food Security Specialist in Zambia. We’ll see where that leads me. After that, as long as I’m making a difference and can sleep in every once in a while, I’ll be happy.
Brittany Webb
Academic Unit: Department of Animal Sciences
Major: Animal Sciences
Hometown: Milford, DE
What are some of your involvements, jobs, and/or research?
Buckeye Diary Club; Hunt Seat Equestrian Team; Alpha Zeta Partners; CFAES Student Council; Towers Agricultural Honorary; CFAES Ambassador; Undergraduate T.A. for Department of Animal Sciences
What is your advice to underclassmen?
“Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.” – Forrest Gump
Embrace new experiences, take risks, lean on others when times are tough, laugh often, and never stop following your passion.