Name: * Rank: * Cell Phone #: * E-mail Adress: * Columbus Address: * Hometown: * Major: * Double Major: Minor: Expected Graduation: (semester and year) * High School * Previous University/College First Semester in Columbus: (semester and year) * If you are studying abroad next year, when will you be doing so? Are you planning to participate in any judging teams next year? * Yes No If you are participating on a judging team next year, which team will you be on? Please choose the three most important activities you have been involved in. You may list high school information if you are a freshman; however, the preference is for activities at the collegiate level. Activity/Club Leadership Positions Awards Granted Years Involved By checking the box below, I certify that I am/will be enrolled full-time in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, that my grade point average is 2.5 or higher, that I am in good academic standing, and that I have read and agree to the requirements of being a CFAES Ambassador. * Certify Date * Year Year20222023202420252026 Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Appointment date What are the top three things you would want to explain or feel is important to talk about on a College tour (specific to CFAES): 1. * 2. * 3. * My top two weaknesses are: 1. * 2. * My top two strengths are: 1. * 2. * Share a situation where these two strengths were utilized: * Orange Yellow If you are... You're probably good at... If you are... You're probably good at... Forceful Demanding Daring Decisive Self-assured Competitive Initiating new ideas Getting results Making decisions Solving problems Taking authority Enthusiastic Outgoing Emotional Sociable Generous Convincing Trusting Motivating Entertaining Generating enthusiasm Interacting with others Offering Assistance Green Blue If you are... You're probably good at... If you are... You're probably good at... Systematic Diplomatic Accurate Conscientious Conventional Analytical Sensitive Following directions Working with specific assignments Being diplomatic Thinking critically Being organized Patient Loyal Stable Team-oriented Calm Deliberate Passive Being patient Being understanding Listening to others' thoughts Working with few new challenges Concentrating Sympathizing Empathizing Which color from the table above best represents your leadership style? * Orange Yellow Green Blue Which color from the table above represents your leadership style the least? * Orange Yellow Green Blue Please respond to all of the following questions as essays. Each essay should have a maximum of approximately 200 words (1,200 characters). 1. What sets you apart from other applicants? * 2. What do you hope to contribute to the college as a CFAES Ambassador? * 3. What is an experience you have had during your time at The Ohio State University that has made you proud to be a student at this university? * 4. Share why you decided to enroll in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences? * CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.