NAME TITLE (to read abstract, click on title) PROJECT ADVISOR 2ND PROJECT ADVISOR Kristen Bartholomew Short-Term Intermittent Hypoxia Improves Stroke Outcome in Mice Randy Nelson Joey Brown Performance of First Lactation Jersey Cows in Response to High Protein, High Fat Liquid Feeds with Varied Fatty Acid Profiles as Calves Maurice Eastridge Treg Brown Effects of Anthelmintics on Microbial Diversity in the Gastrointestinal Tracts of Horses Kim Cole Paula Chen Development of Regulation of Adipose Tissue Growth Through Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy in the Embryonic Leghorn and Broiler Kichoon Lee Megan Cline Effects of Maternal Dietary Yeast Supplementation on Immunoglobulin Concentrations Following Vaccination in Quarter Horse Foals Kim Cole Emily Dudash Growth of Periruminant Holstein Bull Calves Fed a Fermentation Extract of Aspergillus oryzae Kristy Daniels Quynh Duong Effect of processing and formulation on water migration through lipids Farnaz Maleky Sarah Finney Methods of Detecting Ketosis in Jersey and Holstein Herds Maurice Eastridge Michael Hannewald The Effectiveness of Corn Nitrogen Recommendation Strategies in Creating Variable Rate Prescriptions Jim Metzger Rachel Hefflinger Examining the Short Term Effects of Restoration Plantings on Emerald Ash Borer Infested Flood Plains Kathleen Knight Yasmine Jackson Serosurveillance of canine and human Influenza infection in Canis-lupis Familiars Chang Lee Hannah Kester Using Bio-Sensors to Measure Activity and Milk Compositional Changes During Streptococcus uberis Induced Mastitis Joseph Hogan Kelsey Koke Evaluation of a Salmonella-Vectored Vaccine Expressing a cjaA Epitope on Campylobacter Colonization in Broiler Chickens Kim Cole Chloe Long Effects of Dietary Glycerin on Rumen Metabolism of Beef Cattle Fed 50% Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles Tara Felix Robert Medberry The Effect of Acclimation Hypoxia on Fish Sensitivity to Ammonia Toxicity Konrad Dabrowski Mackenzie Miller Beginning Life Uncovered: Chemical Dechorionation of Freshwater Fish Embryos Konrad Dabrowski Logan Morris The Impacts of Dual Variation of pH and Passage Rate on Methane Production Jeff Firkins Amanda Prickett Implications of incubation temperature modulation on Type X collagen expression in embryonic duck skeletal development Michael Lilburn Macdonald Wick Anastasia Purgianto Influence of Laminar Shear on Water Vapor Gradient in Lipid Films Farnaz Maleky Dean Renner Impact of Religious Affiliation on Economic Growth in Sub Sahara Africa Douglas Southgate Nick Rettig Compare and Contrast of Option Decay Functions Carl Zulauf Elizabeth Roche Effect of water stress on northern red oak constitutive defenses and disease resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi Pierluigi Bonello Dana Sorter Bacterial Counts in Recycled Manure Bedding Replaced Daily or Deep Packed Free Stalls Joe Hogan Penny Sparks Susceptibility of Running Buffalo Clover, an endangered species, to Soybean Cyst Nematode David Barker Rachel Townsley Health of Holstein Bull Calves Fed a Fermentation Extract of Aspergillus Oryzae Kristy Daniels Abby Vennekotter The Influence of Probiotics on D-Lactate Concentrations in Quarter Horse Mares Kim Cole Stephanie Verhoff Pollen limits seed set in small populations of feral Miscanthus sinensis, an ornamental grass with invasive potential Kim Cole Brooklyn Wagner Development of video analysis of protozoal activity and future implications on ruminant nutrition research Jeff Firkins Chloe Welch Bioturbation by the Invasive Rusty Crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) Affects Turbidity and Nutrients: Implications for Harmful Algal Blooms Lauren Pintor Jamie Zumach The Effect of Contextual Cues on Consumer Liking Results Christopher Simmons