CFAES Give Today
Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Campus News

  1. OSU Food Science Department represented at IFT Annual Convention

    Jul 7, 2014

    Many members of the Food Science department attended the Institute of Food Technology annual convention in New Orleans in June. Our students competed in poster presentation competitions and in the College Bowl competition. The following is a list of the students’ successes:


  2. Harper awarded honorary doctorate by Purdue

    Jun 20, 2014

    CFAES’s Jim Harper received an honorary doctorate in agriculture from Purdue University during spring commencement ceremonies at the West Lafayette, Indiana, campus in May. He retired last August as J.T. Parker Chair in Dairy Foods in the Department of Food Science and Technology.

  3. Endeavor Center wins Ohio State’s top outreach honor

    Jun 10, 2014

  4. OARDC announces award winners at annual conference

    Jun 6, 2014

    OARDC's 2014 Annual Research Conference, held April 24 in Wooster, focused on the theme "From Biology to Business -- The Transformational Power of Big Data." The program featured speakers from CFAES, Purdue University, and Ohio State's colleges of Public Health and Arts and Sciences. It also included the presentation of the following annual awards.

  5. OARDC publication wins national award

    May 30, 2014

    The 2012 SEEDS Report of Progress last month won first place in the Production/Digital Color category in a competition held during the annual conference of the Association of College and University Printers.

  6. Bucks win tractor: Finalists for Excellence in Agriculture award

    May 16, 2014

    Emily Buck, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, and her husband, John, of New Bloomington recently received a new Case IH Farmall 45A tractor in recognition of being a finalist for the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Excellence in Agriculture Award.

  7. CFAES Pelotonia riding to 'Grow Tomorrow's Cure'

    May 9, 2014

    Pelotonia is a grassroots bike tour with one goal: end cancer. In 2013, Pelotonia was one of the largest cycling events in the country, with 6,723 riders coming from 41 states and nine countries. Additionally, Pelotonia had 3,482 virtual riders and 2,445 registered volunteers. Pelotonia 13 raised $19 million, bringing Pelotonia's five-year total to $61.3 million for cancer research.

  8. Urban Agricultural Adventure

    May 1, 2014

    On April 26th faculty, staff, and students participated in the CFAES Urban Agricultural Adventure & Cultural Exploration and visited several urban farmers in Cleveland, Ohio.  Students from both the Columbus campus and Wooster’s ATI campus joined together to make up thirty five participants for Saturday’s excursion.   The program kicked off with a welcome by the Cuyahoga County Extension office, a historical overview of the area, and present-day demographics of the city.  Throughout the day, the group toured a 10+ acre incubator farm located in the Kinsman Neighborhood of the

  9. Thirty-one students compete in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    Apr 10, 2014

    CFAES partnered with the Ohio Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta to host the 11th annual CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum on Feb. 20 in the Agricultural Administration Auditorium in Columbus. Thirty-one undergraduate student researchers from CFAES, including from the School of Environment and Natural Resources, shared their research in a poster presentation format with faculty, staff, fellow students, and invited guests and family members.

  10. CFAES holds clothing drive for children in Honduras

    Apr 8, 2014

    After a visit to Choluteca, Honduras, in April 2013, Jamie Cano, Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL), and Warren Tyler Agner, a Ph.D.
