Established in 1996 and supported by an appropriation from the Ohio General Assembly to OARDC, SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program, is unique among U.S. state-assisted universities. In fostering high-quality research among scientists supported by OARDC and CFAES, SEEDS enables those scientists to collect the preliminary data needed to give them a competitive edge in national programs, and it provides them with leverage to attract industry support.
With eight outlying research stations and more than 7,500 acres of land across the state devoted to research, OARDC is the largest public and privately funded research organization in Ohio. Since OARDC’s establishment in 1882,the center has used science to find solutions to pressing problems and to identify new opportunities for Ohio. OARDC’s SEEDS program is just one of the many ways in which Ohio State’s innovative research and development connect to industry and community on an eminent global scale.
Up to $7 returned for every $1 invested
SEEDS grants have supported research projects of $20,941,081 and have received more than $80,939,871 in matching and extramural funding since 1996 -- a return of about $5 for each dollar invested. In fact, between 2010 and 2013, the return was more than $7 for every dollar invested.
SEEDS grants have enabled scientists to establish collaborations with colleagues from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, France, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, the Philippines, Switzerland, Taiwan, Uganda and Zimbabwe. SEEDS research has produced applications for 11 U.S. patents using results from initial findings. Five patent applications have been granted (two in 2012), and five licensing agreements have been obtained (two in 2012). SEEDS-supported scientists have published a total of 782 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts, abstracts, popular press articles, bulletins and/or book chapters and have made more than 1,393 presentations around the world. Since the student SEEDS grants were introduced in 1998, they have funded research projects for 56 doctoral dissertations and 85 master’s theses.
Nearly $1.5 million in grants awarded in 2013
In FY 2013, 142 SEEDS applications were submitted to OARDC, requesting $4,378,239 in funding; SEEDS grants totaling $1,474,325 were awarded. Thirty-five awards were made to faculty members, for an investment of $1,369,391. There were four undergraduate, seven master's level and 15 graduate awards made, for an investment of $104,934.
The SEEDS Report of Progress for calendar year 2012 was recently published and may be downloaded at