Student researchers in CFAES are growing! The Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP), a university-wide program led by Ohio State's Graduate School that helps underrepresented students explore graduate study and academic careers, has expanded in our college. In 2013, CFAES is hosting 17 undergraduate students out of 49 total participants at the university. This summer is the inaugural program for the Wooster campus, which is home to 12 undergraduate researchers, while the Columbus campus is hosting five of the students. CFAES faculty have enthusiastically volunteered to mentor these graduate-admissible students from across the country.
The Summer Research Opportunity Program in CFAES has grown from two students in 2008 to 17 this year.
Departments/units in both Columbus and Wooster are working with me to expose the students to hands-on research projects in our signature areas: Food Security, Production, and Human Health; Environmental Quality and Sustainability; and Advanced Bioenergy and Biobased Products. Faculty mentors are given an opportunity to provide feedback and assessment for those individuals who the college would like to see return for their graduate degrees.
Will present their work Aug.1
The SROP program in CFAES has grown from two students in 2008 to three in 2009, four in 2010, seven in 2011, and 17 this year. (The program wasn't held in 2012 due to the semester conversion.) The 2013 group of students will present their summer research on Aug. 1 in the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus.
Contact me at if you'd like to learn more.
-- Pamela Thomas, SROP Coordinator, Academic Programs