CFAES Give Today
Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Horticulture and Crop Science

Declared majors in the department must submit the college scholarship application by February 15 to qualify for both the college and departmental scholarships. Applicants should be above average academically and possess leadership potential.

Applications will be screened by the faculty in the department and selected applicants will be asked to be interviewed by the selection committee in early spring quarter. Selected recipients will have a dedication to the industry, demonstrated involvement in the department, and demonstrated academic achievement, and be a declared major in the department.

PGM/Sustainable Plant Systems

  • Agronomy
  • Horticulture
  • Landscape Design and Management
  • Turfgrass Science

Dr. David Barker
226 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road
(614) 247-6258 or

  • Mary Ann Arthur Herbaceous Ornamental Scholarship and Memorial Shade. Provides scholarship support for an undergraduate in landscape horticulture. Recipients practice design, installation, and maintenance techniques of ornamental landscape plants with emphasis on herbaceous ornamentals collections in the OSU Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens. Distribution also provides maintenance support for the Mary Ann Arthur Memorial Shade Garden at the Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens.
  • Roy O. Becker Crop Science Scholarship Fund. Income provides scholarships to crop science students with a strong interest in small grains.
  • Dr. Mark Bennett Memorial Scholarship. Income provides scholarships to undergraduates in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science with an interest in fruit and vegetable production.
  • Wilhelm and Eleanor Beckert Scholarship Fund. Income funds scholarship and stipends to students in horticulture working in the department under the supervision of a faculty member in horticulture.
  • G. Walter Burwell Memorial Scholarship. Income provides scholarships for sophomore, junior or senior landscape horticulture majors.
  • Columbus Horticultural Society. Annual gift supports an undergraduate student in landscape or floriculture.
  • The Paul Ecke, Jr. Scholar Program Fund. Provides stipends for junior or senior undergraduate students who work directly with faculty in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science in the ornamental and floriculture area.
  • The Columbus, Ohio Chapter, Executive Women's Golf Association Scholarship. Income provides scholarships in support of educational diversity and will be awarded in furtherance of the diversity mission of OSU with particular attention to, but not limited to, female studnets enrolled in the PGM program.
  • Franklin Garden Club. Annual gift provides an undergraduate scholarship for any student in landscape horticulture.
  • The Edgar J. Grand Horticulture Scholarship Fund. Supports one scholarship for an undergraduate student majoring in horticulture in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Eligible students must be enrolled at the University, in good academic standing, progressing toward their degrees, and have demonstrated financial need.
  • Alpha and Paul Haffey Scholarship Endowment. Income provides scholarships to undergraduate and/or graduate students in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science with a preference to those with an interest in floriculture marketing.
  • Scott Harman Annual Scholarship. Income provides scholarships to to a qualifying junior or senior PGM major who demonstrates leadership, teamwork and has a positive impact on others
  • Gustav W. Huhn Endowed Scholarship Fund. Income provides scholarships for students in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science with preference based on a concentration of study in floriculture.
  • Thomas B. Kyle Scholarship Fund in Horticulture. Income provides undergraduate scholarships for high-quality students who are seriously interested in career opportunities in the areas of business and industry, research and/or education involving ornamental horticulture, nursery management, landscape contracting and/or marketing of horticulture related products.
  • Linville-Shoemaker Scholarship Fund. Income provides scholarships for outstanding sophomore or junior crop science majors with professional attitudes and devotion to crop science.
  • Donald D. Mayhew Memorial Fellowship Endowment Fund. Annual income will support undergraduate student stipends for work in the Chadwick Arboretum under direction of a faculty member in tree and forestry improvement.
  • John Peter Minton, M.D., Ph.D. Memorial Rose Garden Student Scholar Award. Income provides financial support  to outstanding students interested in roses. Sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students majoring in a related field with a min. 3.0 GPA are eligible.
  • The John Zoller - Morty's Kids PGM/Turfgrass Science Scholarship. Income provides financial support to an undergraduate student in PGM or Turfgrass Science based on leadership, scholarship and service with significant emphasis placed on leadership contributions made in development activities in terms of participation in organizations such as Morty's Kids or the Morton Foundation.
  • Gary J. Nicholson Memorial Scholarship in Horticulture. Income provides scholarships for undergraduate and/or graduate students in horticulture with floriculture marketing interests. Preference is given to Canadian applicants.
  • OFA / D. C. Kiplinger Scholarship. Annual gift provides scholarship support for a junior floriculture student with above average GPA, financial need and leadership ability.
  • OFA / Jerry Robertson Scholarship. Annual scholarship supports a junior or senior student in floriculture with above average scholastic achievement.
  • Ohio Agribusiness Assn.- Crop Science Scholarship. Annual gift supports an undergraduate student in crop science with an interest in agribusiness sales/ management in the grain, feed, seed, fertilizer, and chemical industries.
  • Ohio Association of Garden Clubs Horticulture Scholarship. Income provides a scholarship for an academically able junior or senior, with preference to students in floriculture or landscape horticulture.
  • Ohio Fruit Growers Society-Fred Hartman Scholarship Endowment. Income provides scholarship for an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in the College or the Agricultural Technical Institute. Preference will be given to students in Horticulture and Crop Science and /or students demonstrating an association or involvement with the Ohio fruit industry.
  • PGM Development Fund. Provides support for scholarships and PGM-related program support
  • Max V. and Carolyn Martin Puderbaugh Bonsai Scholarship Fund. Income provides a scholarship with preference for, but not limited to, students in the College, enrolled in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science. Academic achievement and interest in the art and culture of bonsai shall be criteria for the scholarship.
  • The Pursch Family Memorial Fund. Income provides support for undergraduate students in the college who are majoring in horticulture and who are participating in study abroad programs with preference given to those students studying in England.
  • Dr. Dale A. Ray Memorial Fund. Income provides an annual award to an outstanding grain crop student. Additional income is used to support teaching programs in hort and crop science, purchase equipment and provide support for attending conferences.
  • The Scotts Lawn Service Scholarship Fund. Supports full in-state tuition scholarships to be awarded to no more than 2 students annually for last year prior to graduation to students with two year remaining in their studies.
  • William J. Skou Memorial Scholarship. Income provides scholarships for students in the upper third of their high school class entering or continuing studies in floriculture and/or greenhouse production of flowers or ornamentals, without regard to parent's income. Unused portions designated for undergraduate use at the Columbus campus may be used for support of a graduate associateship in the field of floriculture or greenhouse production of flowers or ornamentals.
  • Dorothy Kuder Smith and Floyd F. Smith Scholarship Fund in Floriculture and Entomology. Income provides scholarships divided equally between the floriculture (Department of Horticulture and Crop Science) and the Department of Entomology.
  • Marion K. Thomas Horticulture Fund. Income provides scholarships for undergraduates in the area of landscape horticulture.
  • The Toro Company Scholarship. Income provides scholarships to freshmen, sophomores or students pursuing international internships and are enrolled in the turfgrass major at OSU.
  • Dean and Lucille Tresch Scholarship Fund. Income provides a scholarship for a sophomore, junior or senior student majoring in pomology or food processing and technology in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science.
  • Turfgrass Program Scholarship. Income provides support to an undergraduate student enrolled in the turf program in CFAES.
  • Carl Weals Scholarship. Annual gifts provide scholarship support to students in floriculture and landscape horticulture.
  • Gene Wittmeyer Vegetable Scholarship Endowment. Annual income supports an undergraduate or graduate student in the college with preference to students in good standing with an interest in vegetable crops in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science and /or students demonstrating association or involvement with the Ohio vegetable industry.