CFAES Give Today
Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics

Applicants must be declared majors in agribusiness and applied economics by Spring Semester. Applicants will be above average academically, and have demonstrated leadership and communication skills. Applications will be available November 1 and need to be submitted by February 15. The faculty will screen all written applications and students will be selected based on a holistic review of application materials. Scholarship finalists will be asked to present to donors, industry representatives, and faculty during the AEDE Scholarship Day in April.


Kassie Kurzhals
250 Agricultural Administration, 2120 Fyffe Rd., Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 292-7911 or

  • Ag-Econ Fund J.I. Falconer Scholarship. Income supports a general scholarship to an undergraduate student in agribusiness and applied economics.
  • The Ohio State Agribusiness Club and NAMA Team Endowment Fund. One use of the fund is to provide scholarships to active members of the Agribusiness Club/NAMA Team member enrolled in the college
  • Archer Daniels Midland Scholarship. Income supports a general scholarship to an undergraduate student in agribusiness and applied economics with an interest in commodities.
  • Richard L. Bere Agricultural Economics Scholarship Fund. Income supports undergraduate students in agricultural economics who demonstrate both academic promise and financial need.
  • Stephen Brock Memorial Scholarship. Income provides scholarships for juniors or seniors majoring in agribusiness or agricultural education, with preference to Delta Theta Sigma fraternity members. Available in alternating years.
  • Consolidated Grain and Barge AEDE Scholarship. Income supports undergraduate students majoring in agribusiness with preference given to those with a 3.0 or higher GPA.
  • Dr. M. Eugene Cravens Scholarship Fund. Income supports a scholarship to an undergraduate in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics interested in fruit and vegetable marketing.
  • Dairy Farmers of America Agricultural and Human Ecology Fund. Income supports a scholarship for undergraduate dairy background students with interest in dairy marketing.
  • Farm Credit Services Scholarships. Annual gift provides scholarships for junior and senior students in agribusiness with an interest in agriculture finance.
  • Katharine F. Harman Scholarship Fund. Income provides scholarships for agribusiness majors who have demonstrated academic ability and financial need.
  • Glenn C. Himes Fund. Income provides an undergraduate scholarship for a student majoring in agribusiness and applied economics.
  • Charles H. Ingraham Scholarship Fund. Income provides an undergraduate scholarship for a student majoring in agribusiness.
  • Forrest G. Ketner Memorial Scholarship Fund. Income supports a scholarship for animal science or agribusiness and applied economics in alternating years for enrolled students in the college.
  • Francis B. McCormick Undergraduate Scholarship Fund in Agriculture Economics. Income provides scholarships to sophomore, junior, and senior students in agricultural economics with financial need and high scholarly achievement.
  • Margaret F. McDonald Scholarship Fund in Ag Economics. Income supports a scholarship for students enrolled in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, with a preference for undergraduate students.
  • Dr. Gay Y. Miller and Dr. Joseph Rosenblatt Ag Economics Scholarship. Provides one or more scholarshpis to students from rural areas or a small community who are studying the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics. First preference shall be given to a student from a farming family.
  • Ohio Agribusiness Assn-Agribusiness Scholarship. Annual gift provides a scholarship for a junior or senior student based on scholarship, interest in agribusiness, participation in extracurricular activities, and financial need.
  • Ohio Farm Bureau Federation-Agribusiness Scholarship. Annual gift supports a scholarship for undergraduate majors in agribusiness.
  • Ohio Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers Scholarship. Scholarship provided for sophomore, junior, or senior student interested in farm management or appraisal.
  • Harold I. Richard Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics Scholarship. Income supports students whose parents are members of or employees of a cooperative.
  • W. B. and T. T. Stout Agricultural Economics Scholarship Fund. Income provides scholarships for agribusiness majors who have demonstrated above-average academic performance and/or need for financial assistance.
  • W. Dean Sweet Scholarship. Income provides one scholarship to an undergraduate pursuing a major in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics or the Agricultural Business program
  • Wilbur R. Tullis Fund. Income provides a scholarship for majors in the department.