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Academic Programs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Information Session for May 2019 Program - England: Evolution in Darwin's World and Ours

Evolution in Darwin’s World and Ours provides an opportunity for students to learn how evolutionary theory relates to all careers and even every-day life. Students studying biology, medicine, history, literature, philosophy, etc. will all be able to relate to discussions on historical and modern interpretations of the origins of life, scientific inquiry, and the acceptance of new ideas. The pre-departure course takes place during spring semester; to help contextualize Darwin’s remarkable life and scientific contributions, students will read Darwin’s Autobiography, some of his personal correspondence, and analyses by Darwin scholars. Once in  England, students will visit the British Museum, Linnaean Society of London, Westminster Abbey, Down House, and Cambridge University, where Darwin received his baccalaureate degree. This international experience is designed to reinforce the concepts discussed during the pre-departure course. Students also have unstructured days during which they can explore the cities and visit additional attractions, as desired.

Application deadline: November 1, 2018

For more information, contact the Education Abroad Coordinator Difei Shen(.1040).

Oct 25, 2018, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
No cost.
201 Kuhn Honors & Scholars House
Difei Shen