Study Abroad Voyagers Description
Who: A group of around 15 dedicated students with experience and interest in furthering study abroad for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.
What: The purpose of the Study Abroad Voyagers Team is to aid in the development, recruitment and orientation for study abroad by lending their expertise, time and talents.
Where: The Study Abroad Voyagers team “headquarters” will be Room 100C Ag Admin.
- Voyagers will be selected before the end of the Spring 2014 semester
- Training will occur at a three hour meeting when the team is able to gather during the first two weeks of class
- Voyagers will meet twice a month to plan events and receive training
How: They will help disseminate information about study abroad though classroom visits, student organization visits, posting fliers, organizing workshops, keeping the Facebook account up-to-date, blogging if they are abroad, coordinating various activities such as a media contest (YouTube, posters, PowerPoint) and a study abroad reunion event. They will also represent study abroad at various welcome and involvement fairs for the College and University level and at Admissions Open Houses. Students will also advise the Study Abroad Specialist regarding means of recruitment, orientation and follow up activities.
Why: The perspective of the Study Abroad Specialist can only go so far in providing information relative to study abroad. Study Abroad Voyagers lend credibility to the many assets gained though study abroad by providing the student perspective.
For more information or to get an application please e-mail