The CFAES Ambassador Team is a leadership group on campus comprised of students majoring in CFAES. Ambassadors assist the Academic Programs Office with recruitment initiatives for the college to prospective students and families, guests, alumni and donors. Ambassadors are able to collaborate with other student leadership groups within the college to faciliate growth in their leadership skills.
Ambassadors give prospective students and their families tours of CFAES campus, answer any questions realting to CFAES or student experiences, and assist with additional recruitment initiatives. They also serve as liaisons to the Ohio State student body to help increase awareness around our college. There are opportunities to attend additional events across the University and off campus such as, State FFA Convention, National FFA Convention, Conferences and more.
What does the time commitment look like?
- Once a month meetings
- CFAES Campus Tours
- Annual Retreat
- Student Panels
- Alumni Events
- Additional events scheduled with Prospective Student Services
The CFAES Ambssadors showcase why CFAES is so great! This involvement is selective and you will go through an interview process. Your involvement, if selected, is self assigned allowing for flexibility with your class schedules. CFAES Ambassador involvement is tracked on a point system and maintaining a certain level of points keeps your status on the Team active for future semesters. If you like to share about your experience in CFAES, enhance your leadership skills, and get involved in a rewarding way, consider applying!
Applications to join the CFAES Ambassador Team are open! Apply here. We would love to have you join us!