The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Alumni Board is here to represent the voice of all alumni of the college, and serve as a resource for all relations between college alumni and the OSU Alumni Society.
The 2015-2016 CFAES Alumni Board Executive Committee:
President- Ralph Coffman
President Elect- Cyndi Brill
Secretary- Elizabeth Coons
Treasurer- Jed Bookman
Past President- Roger Tedrick
Director of Alumni Relations- Pat Whittington
Departmental Representatives:
ACEL- Ellen GIlliland
AEDE- Nick Rettig
Animal Sciences- Ryan Conklin
ATI- Jon Witter
FABE- Kaley Core
Food Science- Lynn Wischmeyer Moore
Hort & Crop Science- Peg McMahon
Plant Pathology- Dana Martin
School of Natural Resources- Jon Gerken
At Large Representatives:
Central Region- Dan Boysel
Central Region- Yolanda Owens
Northeastern Region- Kirk Gasser
Northwestern Region- Tim Street
Southeastern Region- Sandy Kuhn
Southwestern Region- Matthew Harbage
Out of State- Adisa Aarons
Out of State- Crain Miller
Class Representatives:
2013 Class- Nicole Steinmetz
2014 Class- Mike Hannewald
2015 Class- Michelle King