Jamie Berning | Determining Variability of the Antimicrobial Resistance Reservoir- Comparison of TET (c) and TET (M) | Julie Funk |
Ryan Ceddia | Sodium Dependent Vitamin C Transporter in the Sheep Corpus Luteum; Sequence Analysis | Joseph Ottobre |
Jeremy Cohen | Product or Process: An Examination of the Decision to Adopt End-Use Renewable Energy | Tom Koontz |
Lauren Fiala | A Comparison of Two Methods Used to Determine Endophyte Infection in Tall Fescue | Emily Rhoades |
Nathan Goodell | Pasture Recovery by Broadcast Seeding After Treading Damage by Heifers in Wet Weather | David Zartman |
Caryn Hoerst | Types and Cognitive Level of Questions Asked During College Classes | Susie Whittington |
Angela Kohut | The Extraction and Analysis of Sphingolipids from Whey Proteins | Joshua Bomser |
Rachel Kopec | Separation and Isolation of S(-) Equol: The Biologically Relevant Metabolite of the Soy Isoflanone Daidzein | Steven Schwartz |
Chitra Kusnadi | Modeling of Moisture Migration in Rye Bread and Calculation of Effective Moisture Diffusivity | Gonul Kaletunc |
Kerri Little | The Viscoelastic Properties of Turkey Breast Muscle in Relation to Breast Yield | MacDonald Wick |
Stacey Moritz | The Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the Regulation of Follicular Development in Lambs | Joseph Ottobre |
Crystal Newcomer | Evaluation of the Health Status of Migratory Passerines | Teresa Morishita |
Andy Nichols and Cara Norvell | Whole Muscle 1D Fingerprinting of Yellow Perch Selected for Rapid Growth | MacDonald Wick |
Carl Norden | Price Profit and Policy- Investigating a Conundrum | Carl Zulauf |
Maureen O'Brien | Prevalence of Dirofilaria Immitis in Outdoor Cats in Washtenaw County, Michigan | Cliff Monahan |
Johnathan Pierce | Identification of Muscle Proteins Associated with Burn on Dunhg Meat Processing | MacDonald Wick |
Daniel Poole | Analysis of Fast Myosin Light Chain Isoform Concentrations in Four Bovine Muscles | MacDonald Wick |
Amanda Shumaker | Comparison of Thustonian Probabilistic Modeling of Rating Data with Parametric Statistics Part II | Jeannine Delwiche |
James White | Adaptation of Immuno- Cytochemistry for Detection of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus to a Flow Based Assay | Sarah Leavell |
Justin Whitehill | The Relationship Between the Fine Bark Beetle and the Tip Blight Pathogen on Austrian Pine | Pierluigi Bonello |
Heath Williams | Unique Solubility of Turkey Fast Skeletal Embryonic Myosin Isoforms | MacDonald Wick |