Nathan Auck | Soil Diversity in Ohio: What is it and How Should it be Protected? | Brian Slater |
Jennifer Bennett | Assessment of Student Attitudes About Companion and Food Animal Welfare | Karol Fike |
Casie Berning | E-Grocery: Who & Where? | Neal Hooker |
Jamie Berning | Determining Intra-pig Variability of the Antimicrobial Resistance Reservoir: The Case of tet © | Julie Funk |
Menaka Bhaskaran | Trends in Bacteria and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Canada Geese (Branta Canadensis) | Robert Gates |
Jamie Bumgarner | Effect on Testicular Development of Beef Bulls Due to Circulating Insulin-like Growth Factor I Concentrations | Karol Fike |
Nicholas Harrod | An Exploration of Emotional Intelligence During Adolescence in Relation to Demographic Variable | Scott Scheer |
Rebecca Johnson | Postmortem Mechanisms of Beef Carcass Tenderness | MacDonald Wick |
Alexander King | Crystallization Kinetics of High Pressure Induced Corn and Wheat Gels | Gonul Kaletunc |
Kristin Mack | Intensively Winter Grazing Dairy Heifers on an Annual Ryegrass Pasture: The Dry Matter Production of the Two Different Varieties of Ryegrass and Evaluation of Heifer Performance | David Zartman |
Rory McCarthy | Amino Acid Requirements of Dairy Propionibacterium Strains | Polly Courtney |
Amy Mikuszewski | Evaluation of an in vitro Fungicide Sensitivity Assay for Predicting Fungicide Efficacy Against Dollar Spot in the Field | Mike Boehm |
Shari Moffett | Improving the Cognitive Capacity of Students by Fully Engaging Professors in the Teaching and Learning Process | Susie Whittington |
Kimberly Moherman | Presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella Species Outside of Commercial Layer Houses | Teresa Morishita |
Crystal Newcomer | Evaluation of the Health Status of Migratory Passerines | Teresa Morishita |
Joy Pietkiewicz | A Comparative Study of the Quantification of Raccoon Roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) in the Intestinal Tracts of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) and the Amount of Ova Present in Feces in Central Ohio | Donald Burton |
Erica Routman | Normal Concentrations of Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone in Gilts During the Estrous Cycle | Bill Pope |
Rebecca Swab | Effectiveness of Lonicera maackii Removal from a Bottomland Hardwood Forest in Central Ohio | William Mitsch |
Iris Vales | The Health Condition and Welfare of Feral Cats and Its Impact on Native Wildlife Species in Ohio | Amanda Rodewald |
Kathryn Yoders | Regulation of the Stress Protein hsp70 During Overwintering in the Gypsy Moth | David Denlinger |
Sarah Zevchak | Attempts to Reduce Burn Intensity | Jeannie Delwiche |
Alaina Zyhowski | Comparison of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels in Eighteenmile Creek at Urban and Agricultural Stations | Virginie Bouchard |