Striding to Effectiveness:
Evidence-Informed Strategies to Enhance Learning Through Quality Teaching
Conference Theater, 10:00 AM
In the effort to re-imagine our culture of learning, educators continually strive to embrace evidence-based practices to foster effective learning. While research can hold the key to transforming our teaching and learning exchanges, a crucial question remains: in the crowded field of education research, how can educators know what is worth paying closer attention to? Through a framework of implementation science, this address delves into the process of navigating available channels of higher education research, zooming in on exemplary studies whose findings form the basis of best practices for effective teaching, as well as those studies in need of refinement—and strategies for educators to spot the differences between the two.
Dr. Regan Gurung
Associate Vice Provost & Executive Director
Center for Teaching and Learning
Oregon State University
Dr. Regan A. R. Gurung is a social psychologist, author, educator, and current Executive Director of Oregon State University's Center for Teaching and Learning. His research encompasses social, health and pedagogical psychology. Having published over 130 articles in peer-reviewed journals and co-authored/co-edited 15 books, his scholarship of teaching and learning represents a current and vital perspective on the science of pedagogy. Dr. Gurung taught at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay for twenty years prior to his time at Oregon State, and served as Associate Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Chair of the Department of Human Development, and Co-Director of the University's Teaching Scholars Program. He is the recipient of the American Psychological Foundation's Charles L. Brewer Award for Distinguished Teaching in Psychology.